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The majority of organizations have hidden potential. Our goal as consultants is to help owners and managing team to reveal and activate those possibilities.
Konstantin Y. Smolentsev
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I International Agrarian Forum "Innovations in agribusiness (plant growing)" (July 31-August 1, 2008)


Wednesday, July 30

Arrival to hotel, beginning of participants’ registration for the Forum

 18.00-20.00   Reception-cocktail in honor of participants and guests of the Forum

Thursday, July 31    

8.30-10.00      Registration of Forum’s participants

10.00   Opening of the Forum. Greetings speech.
General Director of GC “AgroIntel” – A.N. Chalkov

10.10  Perspectives of development of regional agrarian market (plant growing) and opportunities of inter-regional and international cooperation.
Governor of Tyumen region V.V. Yakushev.

10.30  Analysis and prognosis of development of world, Russian grain markets today and for short term perspective.
President of Russian Grain Union A.L. Zlochevsky.

11.00. Role of CERBA in developing business cooperation among Russia, Canada and countries of Eurasian territory.
Director of CERBA-MOSCOW  Mrs. E.Settles 

11.30 Practical aspects and perspectives of development of Russia-Canada business relations in agribusiness sphere.
Executive Assistant of Agriprovince, Inc.  D.K. Smolentseva

12.00  Successful business model of an organization in agribusiness
Chairman of Board of Directors IC “SMOLENTSEV and Partners” Ph.D., Academician of IIA K.Y. Smolentsev

12.20 Principal aspects of development of an agro-holding.
General Director of GC “AgroIntel”, honored agriculturalist of RF A.N. Chalkov

12.40 Logistics of getting quality seeds of grain and leguminous cultures.
Director of manufacture of GC “AgroIntel” A.L. Dayneko

13.00 Work lunch for Forum’s participants

13.00 Briefing for press

14.15. Tendencies and perspectives of development of world grain market in the next 10 years.                                                                                                               
General Director of IKAR D.N. Rylko

14.45 Applying modern machinery in energy saving technologies.                                                           
General Director of “AYAKS-Agro” Ltd. A.E. Yakimenko

15.05 System of protection of plants and energy saving technologies.
General Director of “AgroLiga ROSSII” Ltd. C.D. Dolaberidze

15.25 Information techniques for agribusiness management
General Director of “Chernozemie INTEKO” Ltd. Y.D. Gulyansky

15.45   Coffee-break

16.00  Factoring – financial took of growing agrarian business.
Head of regional center “Eurokommerz” in Tyumen B.V. Sobolev

16.20 Innovative approach to develop technologies of plant protection depending on today’s requirements.
Coordinator of Eastern Europe of firm HERBERT DAMMANN GmbH  V. Lorence

16.40  Round table “Innovations in selection and seed-growing”.               

16.45 Selection of peas grades in Group of Companies “AgroIntel”.          
Deputy of General Director of GC “AgroIntel” for scientific work O.I. Bejanidze.

17.05 Grades of oat selected by SRIAC Severnogo Zauraliya.
Managing laboratory on selecting grain-fodder cultures, c.a.s. M.N. Fomina                                                 

17.25 Grades of summer barley selected by SEE Chelyabinsk SRIAC.
Managing laboratory on selecting barley, c.a.s., honored agriculturist of RF L.A. Pualakkaynan   

17.45 Perspective grades of grain and leguminous cultures selected by SSE Ural SRIAC of Rosselhozacademy. 
Head of Krasnoufimsky selection center of SEE Ural SRIAC Rosselhozacademy, candidate of agricultural sciences R.A. Maksimov

18.05 Genofund of grades of agricultural crops selected by SSE Siberian SRI of plant growing and selection.  
Director of SSE Siberian SRI of plant growing and selection, Ph.D. RF I.E. Lihenko  

18.25 Role of acids in productivity increase of agricultural crops.
General Director of GC “EcoOrganiza” G.N. Kosyanenko     

19.00 Gala-dinner for participants and guests of the “I International Agrarian Forum “Innovations in Agribusiness (plant growing)”.

Rewarding by the Governor of Tyumen region: best agribusiness heads, selectors, journalists who write about problems in agriculture

Rewarding winners of nominations by the organizers.

Friday, August 01

08.00 Organized departure from Tyumen, hotel “Tyumen”, hotel “Vostok” to Zavodoukovsk.

Practical seminar

10.00 – 10.30 Morning coffee.

11.00 Show of industrial crops

- Cultivation of summer and winter crops in a zone of hazardous agriculture of Siberia and Ural Mountains;

13.00 Professional field.

- Selection and seed-growing of peas.
- Ecological and competitive grade tests of grain and leguminous cultures.
- Modern technological complexes on land processing.

15.00 Excursion on seed factory.

- Modern technologies of processing seeds using example of GC «AgroIntel» factory.           

16.00 – 17.30 Dinner.

17.30 Organized departure from Zavodoukovsk to Tyumen


Saturday, August 02

08.00 Excursion program.

Sightseeing excursion around Tyumen, excursion to Tobolsk with visiting Abalakskiy monastery.


Organizing committee has the right to change program of the Forum.

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