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SMOLENTSEV & Partners » Blog


Jan 7, 2014
Where shall I begin?... I guess with the fact that yesterday my eldest daughter rebuked: «I am surprised that you didn’t publish your blog on sea buckthorn on GreenOffOn yet!» And later added: «After photos of your buckthorn were published http://greenoffon.com/green_gallery/19010, I was bombarded by requests to purchase them!»

Children are the flowers of our life and sometimes send the right messages to us. That is why on a Sunday afternoon, I poured myself a glass of delicious mineral water that I went to get in Perth, a very lovely town in Ontario, which I wrote about in previous blogs (thank you to an anonymous kind person who made a well for everyone who would like clean water without chloride!), put on my favourite experimental production of Pink Floyd’s «Wish You Were Here» unreleased tracks, turned on my laptop, and… whoever is interested in learning how to grow Wild Siberian Sea buckthorn in Canada and to create an effective business (as I hope to do with mine!) from a hobby, can start following my blog which is fully and primarily will be posted under my profile on an interesting, useful, and an in-demand by progressive humanity portal http://greenoffon.com for the global Eco Social Community (using this as an opportunity, I would like to invite all my socially responsible and «green» friends and acquaintances to join the Community), and shorter versions will be later posted on some social networks.

For the convenience of readers I will try to publish my blogs in two languages: English and Russian.

Friendly and constructive comments and suggestions will be welcomed and will be responded to? I love to communicate with interesting people! Unfriendly and destructive attacks (oh, the diversity of the Internet!) will be ignored as for me the authors of those comments simply do not exist.

So, a little bit about the «Dilettante»… To be continued here: http://greenoffon.com/member_profile/31327

Always open to kind people,

Konstantin Yurievich


Source: k-smolentsev.livejournal.com

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