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SMOLENTSEV & Partners » Projects

Attracting venture capital investments for “Production association “Tonus”, JSC to realize the development program “Regional telecom”

  • December 30, 2010

The International Corporation “SMOLENTSEV & Partners” has signed an agreement on attracting venture capital investments to realize the development program “Regional telecom”.

The development program “Regional telecom” of “Production association “Tonus” develops telecommunication networks and provides telecommunication services (local telephony, broadband access (data, voice (IP-telephony), video) in regional centers and town-forming enterprises of the Russian Federation.

The development program is focused on the following areas:

- provision of telecommunications services (local telephone services, telematic services, communications services in the data network, communications services for voice transmission in data networks) in Moscow and Tambov regions;
- provision of universal communications service, consisting of a set of services for data, voice and video within a single multiservice network based on technology WiMax.
- provision of local telephone services and other communication services in 32 Russian regions.

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