I am absolutely sure that:
- success of each person is in his own hands,
- success of an organization depends on its leader,
- success of a leader in many ways depends on a cooperating with him Adviser (Consultant). |
Konstantin Y. Smolentsev |
- KONSTANTIN Y, SMOLENTSEV has financially supported:
- Junior school of managers of Tyumen School of Management
- Lomonosovskaya school of Moscow
- Clothes are given to children orphans on a regular basis.
- Regularly toys, furniture, clothes, books, audio- and videocassettes are being given to less fortunate families and kids.
- We support “Give life” fund, which helps children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases.
- We support Canadian National non-profit charity organization “Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind” (CGDB), which helps Canadians with weak eye sight, providing them with professionally trained Guide Dogs.
- We support student-run non-profit organization MCI (MEGA CREATIVE INDIVIDUALS). The goal of the Mega Creative Individuals (MCI) organization is to create favorable conditions for uniting and inspiring talented people with various interests and this way to positively influence on student association of Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada).
- We support Annual Charity Silent Auction with the hockey legend Vladislav Tretyak.
Organizers of the 8th Annual Charity Silent Auction were Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA) together with Vladislav Tretyak Foundation and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Evolution of the auction, since it was first held in 2002, has been outstanding: our first event in 2002 garnered over USD 5,000 and the most recent 2009 event gathered over USD 127,000 for the benefit or several recipient. The many organizations that we have already helped with our sponsors’ generous assistance include: Children’s Hospitals, Social Shelters for Children and Teenagers, Orphanages, Special Olympic Committee, Indigenous Saami community Kildin, and Ronald McDonal House Charities, Saint-Petersburg Amputee Ice Hockey Federation, All-Russia Society of People with Hearing Impairments, senior homes, and social centers in Saratov, Siberia, Tver, Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. - We support Women In Leadership Foundation Carleton Club, Ottawa, Canada (Daria Smolentseva, President).
The Women in Leadership Foundation (WIL) is a national, non-profit organization, dedicated to advancing women in leadership roles by delivering inspiring, distinct programming across Canada that supports Canada's current and future leaders. - We support the Christ Resurrection Cathedral (Russia)
- We support the “Book Exchange” – a joint project of a Charity Fund for Development of Tyumen and the daily newspaper “Out loud about the most important” (“Vsluh o glavnom”). All donations are used for charity.
- We support the St. Xenia Russian Orthodox Church (Ottawa, Canada)
- Financial support has been provided to Arseny Hudorozhkov (9 years old, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia) for a life-saving bone narrow transplant surgery in Israel.
- We support the Rusfond.
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